Take some time to familiarize yourself with your website and adjust some essential settings. Once you have completed the first steps and learned some basic Drupal concepts, you are ready to start customizing your site!

Set Your Goals

Ensuring that your content is useful, usable, and well structured is vital to the success of your website. By thinking through the details and planning a strategy, you will avoid creating a website that is confusing, cluttered, and difficult to maintain.

Before you begin building your website, start by answering some fundamental questions. 

Get Organized

Before you add content to your website, plan your site's hierarchy. Your website’s hierarchy is simply the way your information is organized. It should be something that is simple and makes sense. 

Your website's main menu and URL structure will be organized according to your site hierarchy.

Get to Know Drupal

You will save yourself a lot of time and headaches if you familiarize yourself with how Drupal works before you try to add content to your site.

Customize Your Site


This website is filled with handy information and tutorials about content, so stick around and explore the site. Many of the pages in this site link to the Drupal Express Editor Handbook, which is filled with even MORE helpful information.


Keep this checklist on hand as you start to customize your website. It will ensure that you are taking the right steps needed to launch your website.