Training and Support

You are not alone! We are here if you need help with your Drupal Express website.

Open Help Desks

Have a question (or several) about your Drupal Express website? Just show up at one of our Open Help Desks, and your community will assist you.

Drupal Community Listserv

Georgia Tech's Drupal community regularly communicates through Listserv at This is a list for people at Georgia Tech to discuss the use of Drupal, pose questions, and discuss relevant issues.

Free and Paid Training Videos

A number of free training videos exist on the internet, as well as paid videos and on-site trainings from various companies. We collect some of the most useful onto a General Video Tutorials page.

Drupal Web Developer Meetings

If you have questions about Drupal, you are invited to attend Georgia Tech's monthly Drupal Web Developer group. Drupal developers across campus meet to discuss the latest trends in Drupal development and Georgia Tech-specific issues and practices, and to share projects and development with the community.

Brown Bag Education Series

These educational sessions provide the Georgia Tech community with professional development opportunities and information about campus resources. The topics range from marketing and communications refreshers, to Web strategy, to new trends in market research.

Project Management

Client managers help coordinate on-time, successful launches. We will work with your team from project kick-off to deployment and post-launch evaluation to ensure the goals of the website project are met.

Content Strategy Consulting

Updating and organizing content can be one of the most challenging aspects of launching a new website. Institute Communications can help by working with your department to develop a comprehensive Web content strategy, and by providing support during implementation.